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Category: Digital Marketing tools

Digital Marketing Concepts

Discover the Best Social Media Management Tools for 2024

As social media marketing continues to grow rapidly, marketers are constantly on the lookout for efficient ways to manage multiple social networking sites, save time and increase efficiency. The best solution to this is the use of social media management tools. Social media management tools consolidate your business accounts into one platform, streamlining your social…
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Mastering YouTube Analytics: A Comprehensive Guide to Channel Growth

Mastering YouTube Analytics: A Comprehensive Guide to Channel Growth

Ever wonder why some YouTube channels skyrocket while others struggle to gain traction? It’s not just about making great videos; it’s also about understanding your audience and how they interact with your content.  That’s where YouTube analytics comes in. It’s like having a secret map to channel success. In this guide, we’re diving deep into…
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How to Integrate RSS Feed with Zoho Campaigns?

RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds play a pivotal role in modern content distribution strategies. These feeds offer a standardized format for websites to automatically publish and disseminate their content. By structuring information in XML format, RSS feeds enable subscribers to receive updates whenever new content is published without the need to manually visit the website.…
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Impact of Apple’s iOS 15 On Email Marketing

Click and Open Rate are two important metrics for measuring email success for an email marketer. This time Apple has announced its update on iPhone which will affect the method by which email marketers use the open rate metric. This iOS 15 Update will impact email marketing.  WHAT IS THIS NEW PRIVACY UPDATE? “Privacy has…
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Introduction Linkedin lists “Digital Marketer” among the top 10 most in-demand jobs. Graphics designer, customer service specialist, data analyst are other profiles in the list that are somewhat related to “Digital Marketing.” The demand for digital marketing professionals is at its peak as more than 95% of the companies have adopted digital strategies. Since every…
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HubSpot Marketing Hub: 7 Features that you should know

A good marketing tool is a great asset for any organization to execute, track and improve its marketing strategies. Such as Hubspot Marketing Hub, a marketing software used by marketers all around the world. There are ample digital marketing tools in the market to choose from for your day-to-day marketing activities. However, HubSpot Marketing Hub…
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Social Media Management tools

Tools for Social Media management

In this article, you will learn most popular social media management tools.